Friday, August 31, 2012

Adam's Room

This one is dedicated to my awesome and amazing son, world changer, and forerunner of a generation Adam Henry Leach.

This first item is a simple book shelf I made from some MDF board I had from a previous project, this was painted tan when this room was our music room, but as things change (having more kids) and rooms change too. This is painted a dark blue to go with the blue/green/grey color scheme of Adam's room.
The toy chest you see here I built from some 1x3 fur strips. This was originally in miss Maggie's room, but with limited space was put under a table and mostly forgotten about. Now it is on display and painted teal green to match Adam's room.
The red wagon was found at a local flee market and my wife Michelle and I thought it would make a great addition to the room.
This was the original frame I made for this picture taken by my beautiful and talented wife Michelle But after a week long trip we returned to find that the branches attached had some type of wood beetle that had made a mess of sawdust when we returned.

So, I took the old frame down and replaced it with this simpler one made from some MDF board.

These are some simple 1x6 boards I cut for Michelle to do here hand printing specialty.

The top one I am especially proud of as it is made from some solid hardwood, and has a image of a tree I hand chiseled in and painted, then I used a weathered stain, and finally a polly coat to protect it.

I made this hat rack based on a Pottery Barn one.